Tuesday, February 21, 2012

back room progress

Slowly it's transforming. That pit of despair in the aft port section of the boat is becoming useful and lovely. I won't hurt your eyes with the before shots again. But after a fresh coat of paint and some boxes from Ikea things are coming along.

I know what you're thinking... doesn't look very seaworthy. Luckily it's February and I don't have to worry about that at the moment. But phase two is in the works to make this all (hopefully) battened down for life underway.

And phase two will involve the carpentry skills of a neighbor to create a desk/ table/ something back here for the sewing machine. The sewing machine I am buying myself for my birthday next week. The stacks of fabric await.
Progress is slow going because I am busy as a bee with work commitments. If you have a minute surf on over to the Kitchen Inventors facebook page and give us a like. The show isn't on the air yet. The crew is on the road shooting like mad and I am chained to the computer here writing like mad. But we would love your support and you can see some sneak peeks along the way.

And thank you for the well wishes for my husband who is back on his feet again after the surgery and a long recovery (another reason things have been slow going). The kids are SOsoSO thrilled to have a fully functioning dada back, and so am I!

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